Classification and quality
Our commitments for the classification in category I

A decree dating back to 2012 created by the French Ministry of Tourism classified the Tourist Offices in three categories based on their different modes of operation and the tourist importance of the destination. The Tourism office classification is a sign of national recognition that guarantees a certain coherence and homogeneity in the services offered by the French holidays destinations. The Intercommunal Tourism Office of Mont Sainte-Odile belongs to the France Tourism Offices network and is classified in Category 1.
Belonging to the Category 1 classification means engaging to:
- To provide an easily accessible reception and information areas.
- Help you with administrative procedures.
- Provide furniture for you to sit.
- Provide free information about the local tourism offer.
- Display and transmit our opening periods in at least two foreign languages.
- Provide a free Wi-Fi access.
- Open at least for 305 days per year (Saturdays and Sundays included during tourist or entertainment seasons).
- Reply your e-mails all year round.
- Ensure a permanent reception service through staff who speak at least two foreign languages.
- Ensure the provision of tourist cards, tourist maps and paper guides.
- Offer a dedicated website in three languages that can be consulted on mobile devices.
- Transmit our tourist information published on paper and translated into at least two foreign languages, about:
- all tourist accommodation sites with at least name, postal address, e-mail address, website, phone number, classification level;
- cultural, natural or leisure tourist monuments or sites with specific rates, opening periods and hours to the public, website, phone number and address;
- events and activities;
- emergency phone numbers.
- Update our tourist information yearly.
- Display emergency telephone numbers outside.
- Show all the high-quality offers of our intervention zone to all clients.
- Give information about the availability of the classified accommodation sites.
- Deal with your claims and assess your satisfaction.
- Offer a tourist information service integrating the new information and communication technologies (social networks, mobile telephony, geo-tracking,...)
- Comply with the requirements of the Tourism Quality Brand.
- Provide a reception staff.
- Ensure that the information about the local tourist offer is reliable and up-to-date.
"Qualité tourisme" Brand

The Inter-Municipal Tourist Office of Mont Sainte-Odile is certified under the "Qualité Tourisme" brand for quality in tourism since 2012. Push our door with confidence! Experts of the destination, we guarantee you a reception and quality services (on site, by telephone, @ or mail) in a comfortable place. Our competent team will give you personalized advice and take your expectations into account (Feel free to fill out our satisfaction questionnaire!).
You can not leave our place without finding the information you need!
Our quality commitments to you:
- A quality reception service... whether on site, by phone, by email or by mail;
- Access to tourist information;
- Taking care of your expectations, by measuring your satisfaction (thanks to questionnaires);
- Personalized advice from competent staff;
- A comfortable place of reception.