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Au repos des vignes

Bed and breakfast

4 rue Netter - 67560 Rosheim

06 28 23 72 09 - chambres.hotes.rosheim@gmail.com

Whether you want to explore magical sites or work in peaceful surroundings, the Au Repos des Vignes bed and breakfast in the heart of Rosheim is the ideal place to recharge your batteries. Nestling in a picturesque setting, they offer all the comforts you need for a pleasant stay. Guests can enjoy the charm of the half-timbered houses, cobbled streets and surrounding countryside, while being close to local amenities.

OTI Le + de l'établissement : 3 beautiful bedrooms with a small lounge and a pretty common room.

draps o

More informations

Style of accommodation :

Traditional half-timbered Alsatian house

Location of furnished accommodat. in the building :

In the owner's house

Number of beds room 1 :

  • No. of double beds 1
  • No. of single convertible beds 1

Number of beds room 2 :

  • No. of double beds 1
  • No. of double convertible beds 1

Number of beds room 3 :

  • No. of double beds 1
  • No. of double convertible beds 1

Location :

  • In the town/village centre
  • Quiet street

Accommodation capacity (according to classificat.) :

  • number of people 11
  • Number of rooms 3

Distance (km) à la gare la plus proche :


Practical services :

  • Sheets included in the rental price
  • Household linen included in the rental price
  • Beds made on arrival
  • End of stay cleaning included

External facilities of the accommodation :

  • Closed garden

Bathroom facilities :

  • Number of restrooms (private) with shower and bathtub 1
  • Number of restrooms (private) with shower 2

External facilities of the accommodation :

  • Closed garden

Price minimaxi
Min. night 1 pers with breakfast75 €
Max. night 1 pers with breakfast95 €
Min. night 2 pers with breakfast90 €
Max. night 2 pers with breakfast120 €
Min. night 3 pers with breakfast120 €
Max. night 3 pers with breakfast150 €
Min. extra bed rate10 €


Calculate itinerary:


Number of people : 11
Number of rooms : 3
    [id] => 258004361
    [nom] => Au repos des vignes
    [type] => Array
            [id] => 1900009
            [nom] => Bed and breakfast

    [entite_gestionnaire] => 258
    [nom_entite_gestionnaire] => Office de tourisme intercommunal du Mont Sainte-Odile
    [coordonnees] => Array
            [num_voie] => 4
            [libelle_voie] => rue Netter
            [code_postal] => 67560
            [libelle_commune] => Rosheim
            [telephone1] => 06 28 23 72 09
            [email1] => chambres.hotes.rosheim@gmail.com
            [url1] => sites.google.com/view/aureposdesvignes
            [pays] => FRANCE

    [insee] => 67411
    [type_georeferencement] => 2
    [libelle_georeferencement] => précis
    [latitude] => 48,4964826300368
    [longitude] => 7,46705979108812
    [commentaire] => Whether you want to explore magical sites or work in peaceful surroundings, the Au Repos des Vignes bed and breakfast in the heart of Rosheim is the ideal place to recharge your batteries. Nestling in a picturesque setting, they offer all the comforts you need for a pleasant stay.  Guests can enjoy the charm of the half-timbered houses, cobbled streets and surrounding countryside, while being close to local amenities.
    [prestataire] => Array
            [raison_sociale] => Au repos des vignes
            [civilite] => Madame
            [nom] => Casteran
            [prenom] => Maria
            [fonction] => 
            [coordonnees] => Array
                    [num_voie] => 4
                    [libelle_voie] => rue Netter
                    [distri_speciale] => 
                    [code_postal] => 67560
                    [libelle_commune] => Rosheim
                    [telephone1] => 06 28 23 72 09
                    [telephone2] => 
                    [telephone3] => 
                    [fax] => 
                    [email1] => chambres.hotes.rosheim@gamil.com
                    [email2] => 
                    [url1] => sites.google.com/view/aureposdesvignes
                    [url2] => 
                    [pays] => FRANCE


    [debut_validite] => 19/02/2025
    [fin_validite] => 31/12/2050
    [marquage] => 0
    [datmaj] => 19/02/2025 17:01:32
    [datecreation] => 19/02/2025 16:38:53
    [horaires] => Array

    [criteres] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [id] => 900000
                    [nom] => Secteur
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1903852
                                    [nom] => Région
                                    [ordre] => 0

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1901942
                                    [nom] => Pays du sapin de Noël
                                    [ordre] => 0



            [1] => Array
                    [id] => 1900013
                    [nom] => Distance (km) à la gare la plus proche
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 1
                    [classe] => 2
                    [valeur] => 2,5

            [2] => Array
                    [id] => 1900050
                    [nom] => Practical services
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 8
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1900144
                                    [nom] => Sheets included in the rental price
                                    [ordre] => 160

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1900145
                                    [nom] => Household linen included in the rental price
                                    [ordre] => 166

                            [2] => Array
                                    [id] => 1911107
                                    [nom] => Beds made on arrival
                                    [ordre] => 172

                            [3] => Array
                                    [id] => 1900147
                                    [nom] => End of stay cleaning included
                                    [ordre] => 360



            [3] => Array
                    [id] => 1900179
                    [nom] => Classification Flowered Villages
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 1
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1900894
                                    [nom] => 3 flowers
                                    [ordre] => 3



            [4] => Array
                    [id] => 1900189
                    [nom] => Location
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 2
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1901213
                                    [nom] => In the town/village centre
                                    [ordre] => 170

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1901212
                                    [nom] => Quiet street
                                    [ordre] => 290



            [5] => Array
                    [id] => 1900358
                    [nom] => A transmettre pour Internet
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1902207
                                    [nom] => Yes
                                    [ordre] => 1



            [6] => Array
                    [id] => 1900378
                    [nom] => Rates comment
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 16
                    [valeur] => 

            [7] => Array
                    [id] => 1900436
                    [nom] => External facilities of the accommodation
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 4
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1904205
                                    [nom] => Closed garden
                                    [ordre] => 300



            [8] => Array
                    [id] => 1900437
                    [nom] => Style of accommodation
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 4
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1909082
                                    [nom] => Traditional half-timbered Alsatian house
                                    [ordre] => 35



            [9] => Array
                    [id] => 1900443
                    [nom] => Number of beds room 1
                    [type_critere] => 2
                    [type_valeur] => 1
                    [classe] => 4
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1903255
                                    [nom] => No. of double beds
                                    [ordre] => 2
                                    [valeur] => 1

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1903256
                                    [nom] => No. of single convertible beds
                                    [ordre] => 3
                                    [valeur] => 1



            [10] => Array
                    [id] => 1900444
                    [nom] => Number of beds room 2
                    [type_critere] => 2
                    [type_valeur] => 1
                    [classe] => 4
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1903259
                                    [nom] => No. of double beds
                                    [ordre] => 2
                                    [valeur] => 1

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1903261
                                    [nom] => No. of double convertible beds
                                    [ordre] => 4
                                    [valeur] => 1



            [11] => Array
                    [id] => 1900445
                    [nom] => Number of beds room 3
                    [type_critere] => 2
                    [type_valeur] => 1
                    [classe] => 4
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1903263
                                    [nom] => No. of double beds
                                    [ordre] => 2
                                    [valeur] => 1

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1903265
                                    [nom] => No. of double convertible beds
                                    [ordre] => 4
                                    [valeur] => 1



            [12] => Array
                    [id] => 1900461
                    [nom] => Secteur carte
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1903506
                                    [nom] => Obernai
                                    [ordre] => 0

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1908335
                                    [nom] => Massif des Vosges
                                    [ordre] => 0

                            [2] => Array
                                    [id] => 1908571
                                    [nom] => Route des vins (site Alsace)
                                    [ordre] => 0

                            [3] => Array
                                    [id] => 1909124
                                    [nom] => Massif Vosges - Vosges centrales
                                    [ordre] => 0

                            [4] => Array
                                    [id] => 1909236
                                    [nom] => Oenotourisme - Coeur d'Alsace
                                    [ordre] => 0

                            [5] => Array
                                    [id] => 1911639
                                    [nom] => Alsace (site Alsace)
                                    [ordre] => 0

                            [6] => Array
                                    [id] => 1909895
                                    [nom] => Vélo Colmar et centre Alsaceet nord
                                    [ordre] => 0



            [13] => Array
                    [id] => 1900492
                    [nom] => Accommodation capacity (according to classificat.)
                    [type_critere] => 2
                    [type_valeur] => 1
                    [classe] => 4
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1903683
                                    [nom] => number of people
                                    [ordre] => 100
                                    [valeur] => 11

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1903972
                                    [nom] => Number of rooms
                                    [ordre] => 400
                                    [valeur] => 3



            [14] => Array
                    [id] => 1900497
                    [nom] => Bathroom facilities
                    [type_critere] => 2
                    [type_valeur] => 1
                    [classe] => 4
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1909635
                                    [nom] => Number of restrooms (private) with shower and bathtub
                                    [ordre] => 10
                                    [valeur] => 1

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1909632
                                    [nom] => Number of restrooms (private) with shower
                                    [ordre] => 20
                                    [valeur] => 2



            [15] => Array
                    [id] => 1900505
                    [nom] => Visitors' tax suppl. per person per night
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 16
                    [valeur] => 

            [16] => Array
                    [id] => 1900533
                    [nom] => Bed and breakfast rates in €
                    [type_critere] => 2
                    [type_valeur] => 1
                    [classe] => 16
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1904993
                                    [nom] => Min. night 1 pers with breakfast
                                    [ordre] => 5
                                    [valeur] => 75

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1904989
                                    [nom] => Max. night 1 pers with breakfast
                                    [ordre] => 10
                                    [valeur] => 95

                            [2] => Array
                                    [id] => 1904994
                                    [nom] => Min. night 2 pers with breakfast
                                    [ordre] => 15
                                    [valeur] => 90

                            [3] => Array
                                    [id] => 1904990
                                    [nom] => Max. night 2 pers with breakfast
                                    [ordre] => 20
                                    [valeur] => 120

                            [4] => Array
                                    [id] => 1904995
                                    [nom] => Min. night 3 pers with breakfast
                                    [ordre] => 25
                                    [valeur] => 120

                            [5] => Array
                                    [id] => 1904991
                                    [nom] => Max. night 3 pers with breakfast
                                    [ordre] => 30
                                    [valeur] => 150

                            [6] => Array
                                    [id] => 1904049
                                    [nom] => Min. extra bed rate
                                    [ordre] => 300
                                    [valeur] => 10



            [17] => Array
                    [id] => 1900562
                    [nom] => Location of furnished accommodat. in the building
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 4
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1904392
                                    [nom] => In the owner's house
                                    [ordre] => 1



            [18] => Array
                    [id] => 1900566
                    [nom] => Nom de la location / de l'établissement
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 4
                    [valeur] => 

            [19] => Array
                    [id] => 1900886
                    [nom] => Secteur carte Obernai
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1907237
                                    [nom] => D2
                                    [ordre] => 0



            [20] => Array
                    [id] => 1901291
                    [nom] => Number of floors in the accommodation
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 1
                    [classe] => 4
                    [valeur] => 2

            [21] => Array
                    [id] => 1901314
                    [nom] => Commentaire traduit en
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1909729
                                    [nom] => EN
                                    [ordre] => 0

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1909727
                                    [nom] => FR
                                    [ordre] => 0

                            [2] => Array
                                    [id] => 1909728
                                    [nom] => DE
                                    [ordre] => 0



            [22] => Array
                    [id] => 1901413
                    [nom] => Tarif synthétique (avizi)
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 1
                    [classe] => 32
                    [valeur] => 90

            [23] => Array
                    [id] => 1901509
                    [nom] => URL site Liesel
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 6
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] => https://en.liesel.alsace/article/au-repos-des-vignes-258004361

            [24] => Array
                    [id] => 212000164
                    [nom] => COM_recodeur_affinage_tarif
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 212000542
                                    [nom] => C.hotes-61€-mini
                                    [ordre] => 



            [25] => Array
                    [id] => 258000003
                    [nom] => Odile site Internet
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 258000005
                                    [nom] => yes
                                    [ordre] => 



            [26] => Array
                    [id] => 258000006
                    [nom] => Odile prix mini
                    [type_critere] => 2
                    [type_valeur] => 1
                    [classe] => 32
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 258000009
                                    [nom] => maxi
                                    [ordre] => 
                                    [valeur] => 160

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 258000008
                                    [nom] => mini
                                    [ordre] => 
                                    [valeur] => 75



            [27] => Array
                    [id] => 258000023
                    [nom] => OTI : préparez
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 258000107
                                    [nom] => Chambres
                                    [ordre] => 5



            [28] => Array
                    [id] => 258000046
                    [nom] => OTI Le + de l'établissement
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [valeur] => 3 beautiful bedrooms with a small lounge and a pretty common room.

            [29] => Array
                    [id] => 258000558
                    [nom] => Pour tri par commune
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 258000485
                                    [nom] => Rosheim
                                    [ordre] => 80



            [30] => Array
                    [id] => 700000001
                    [nom] => Type simple Clic
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 700000022
                                    [nom] => Locations
                                    [ordre] => 



            [31] => Array
                    [id] => 700000002
                    [nom] => Nombre de lits marchands (clic)
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 1
                    [classe] => 32
                    [valeur] => 11

            [32] => Array
                    [id] => 700000003
                    [nom] => Classement en étoiles Clic
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 700000026
                                    [nom] => Non classé
                                    [ordre] => 1




    [disponibilites_synthetiques] => Array

    [disponibilites_detail] => Array

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