The Pagan Wall by Virginie
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Located on the summit of Mount Sainte-Odile, this place has always impressed me. Since I was a little girl, my brother, my parents and I used to go for walks on these paths from time to time.
Indeed, we were never lost, all these paths lead back to the monastery, which itself is a place full of history where one can imagine so many different scenarios with our overflowing imagination of little boys and girls.
We ventured through the forest in search of our imaginary treasure. This wall was there, it must have hidden something! We climbed, we jumped, and we discovered so many hiding places, nooks and crannies around these enormous rocks... Nearly 10 km of rampart whose origin is still unknown today.
After exploring the area for several hours, we were then rewarded... Our treasure turned out to be drinking hot chocolate in the convent's restaurant and the discovery of the splendid view from the backyard.
35 years later, I still find these wonderful feelings with my own children and guess what! Nothing has changed!