Home | Back Commerces258003314
  • © Ama Terra

Ama Terra

Shops/sale of regional products

67 rue du Général de Gaulle - 67560 Rosheim

07 64 73 70 35 -

Ama Terra is a journey to Italy. The small grocery shop offers quality Italian products, with a range of organic, vegan and gluten-free products. You will also find a large choice of Italian cold cuts and cheeses.

Discover their tasting trays, to share with family or friends! Now, local pizzas and beers complete their range of products. You can also stop by the shop to order a coffee or enjoy it on the spot. You can enjoy a snack or a cold drink on the terrace. Come and relax with an Italian aperitif or discover their excellent cappuccino.

Coup de coeur du commerçant : The quality of the products, the friendly welcome and the Italian sunshine.

Type of shop : Cookie factory, Butcher's shop, Cheese factory

Products sold on the spot : Italian specialities: Italian cheeses and cold meats, fresh pasta, wines, aperitifs, sauces, olive oils and vinegars, biscuits, panettone, olives, dried tomatoes, etc...

q c o } m :

More informations

Products sold on the spot :

Italian specialities: Italian cheeses and cold meats, fresh pasta, wines, aperitifs, sauces, olive oils and vinegars, biscuits, panettone, olives, dried tomatoes, etc...

Label products sales :

  • AOP (appellation d'origine protégée, équivalent européen de l'AOC)
  • Product of Organic Farming

Languages spoken :

  • German
  • alsacian
  • English
  • Italian

Practical services :

  • Shops /Sale of goods

Facilities :

  • Terrasse

Methods of payment :
  • Credit card
  • Cheque
  • Cash
  • Luncheon vouchers
  • Transfer


Calculate itinerary:

Weekly closing on :

  • Monday
  • Sunday



Le(s) propriétaire(s)

OTI Coin préféré :

Le vignoble de Rosheim pour les points de vue et les paysages

OTI plat préféré :

Les fettucchine aux cèpes.

Réseaux sociaux

    [id] => 258003314
    [nom] => Ama Terra
    [type] => Array
            [id] => 1900227
            [nom] => Shops/sale of regional products

    [entite_gestionnaire] => 258
    [nom_entite_gestionnaire] => Office de tourisme intercommunal du Mont Sainte-Odile
    [coordonnees] => Array
            [num_voie] => 67
            [libelle_voie] => rue du Général de Gaulle
            [code_postal] => 67560
            [libelle_commune] => Rosheim
            [telephone1] => 07 64 73 70 35
            [email2] => amaterra.epiceriefineitalienne@gmail.com
            [url1] => facebook.com/AmaTerra.Rosheim
            [pays] => FRANCE

    [insee] => 67411
    [type_georeferencement] => 2
    [libelle_georeferencement] => précis
    [latitude] => 48,4959902854122
    [longitude] => 7,46722340583803
    [commentaire] => Ama Terra is a journey to Italy. The small grocery shop offers quality Italian products, with a range of organic, vegan and gluten-free products. You will also find a large choice of Italian cold cuts and cheeses. 
Discover their tasting trays, to share with family or friends! Now, local pizzas and beers complete their range of products. You can also stop by the shop to order a coffee or enjoy it on the spot. You can enjoy a snack or a cold drink on the terrace. Come and relax with an Italian aperitif or discover their excellent cappuccino.
    [prestataire] => Array
            [raison_sociale] => Ama Terra Epicerie fine
            [civilite] => Monsieur
            [nom] => Naas
            [prenom] => Gerald
            [fonction] => 
            [coordonnees] => Array
                    [num_voie] => 67
                    [libelle_voie] => rue du Général de Gaulle
                    [distri_speciale] => 
                    [code_postal] => 67560
                    [libelle_commune] => Rosheim
                    [telephone1] => 07 64 73 70 35
                    [telephone2] => 
                    [telephone3] => 
                    [fax] => 
                    [email1] => amaterra.epiceriefineitalienne@gmail.com
                    [email2] => 
                    [url1] => 
                    [url2] => 
                    [pays] => FRANCE


    [debut_validite] => 26/02/2021
    [fin_validite] => 31/12/2050
    [marquage] => 0
    [datmaj] => 26/06/2024 14:29:52
    [datecreation] => 26/02/2021 18:13:51
    [horaires] => Array

    [criteres] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [id] => 900000
                    [nom] => Secteur
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1901942
                                    [nom] => Pays du sapin de Noël
                                    [ordre] => 0

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1903852
                                    [nom] => Région
                                    [ordre] => 0



            [1] => Array
                    [id] => 1900003
                    [nom] => Weekly closing on
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 4
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1234000024
                                    [nom] => Monday
                                    [ordre] => 1

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1234000042
                                    [nom] => Sunday
                                    [ordre] => 60



            [2] => Array
                    [id] => 1900048
                    [nom] => Methods of payment
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 16
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1234000001
                                    [nom] => Credit card
                                    [ordre] => 20

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1900113
                                    [nom] => Cheque
                                    [ordre] => 25

                            [2] => Array
                                    [id] => 1907628
                                    [nom] => Cash
                                    [ordre] => 48

                            [3] => Array
                                    [id] => 1900111
                                    [nom] => Luncheon vouchers
                                    [ordre] => 60

                            [4] => Array
                                    [id] => 1234000013
                                    [nom] => Transfer
                                    [ordre] => 65



            [3] => Array
                    [id] => 1900050
                    [nom] => Practical services
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 8
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1900125
                                    [nom] => Shops /Sale of goods
                                    [ordre] => 60



            [4] => Array
                    [id] => 1900067
                    [nom] => Languages spoken
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 4
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1900236
                                    [nom] => German
                                    [ordre] => 5

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1908829
                                    [nom] => alsacian
                                    [ordre] => 8

                            [2] => Array
                                    [id] => 1900235
                                    [nom] => English
                                    [ordre] => 10

                            [3] => Array
                                    [id] => 1900238
                                    [nom] => Italian
                                    [ordre] => 55



            [5] => Array
                    [id] => 1900176
                    [nom] => Member of the Tourist Office of
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 1
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1911372
                                    [nom] => OTI Mont Sainte Odile
                                    [ordre] => 210



            [6] => Array
                    [id] => 1900179
                    [nom] => Classification Flowered Villages
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 1
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1900894
                                    [nom] => 3 flowers
                                    [ordre] => 3



            [7] => Array
                    [id] => 1900268
                    [nom] => Animals accepted
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 4
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1901659
                                    [nom] => No
                                    [ordre] => 15



            [8] => Array
                    [id] => 1900358
                    [nom] => A transmettre pour Internet
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1902207
                                    [nom] => Yes
                                    [ordre] => 1



            [9] => Array
                    [id] => 1900404
                    [nom] => Opening hours
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 4
                    [valeur] => Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 09:30 to 13:30 and from 15:30 to 19:00, Saturday from 07:00 to 16:30.

            [10] => Array
                    [id] => 1900421
                    [nom] => Photo URL
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 6
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] => https://apps.tourisme-alsace.info/photos/rosheim/photos/258003314_1.jpg

            [11] => Array
                    [id] => 1900461
                    [nom] => Secteur carte
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1903506
                                    [nom] => Obernai
                                    [ordre] => 0

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1908335
                                    [nom] => Massif des Vosges
                                    [ordre] => 0

                            [2] => Array
                                    [id] => 1908571
                                    [nom] => Route des vins (site Alsace)
                                    [ordre] => 0

                            [3] => Array
                                    [id] => 1909124
                                    [nom] => Massif Vosges - Vosges centrales
                                    [ordre] => 0

                            [4] => Array
                                    [id] => 1909236
                                    [nom] => Oenotourisme - Coeur d'Alsace
                                    [ordre] => 0

                            [5] => Array
                                    [id] => 1911639
                                    [nom] => Alsace (site Alsace)
                                    [ordre] => 0

                            [6] => Array
                                    [id] => 1909895
                                    [nom] => Vélo Colmar et centre Alsaceet nord
                                    [ordre] => 0



            [12] => Array
                    [id] => 1900480
                    [nom] => Photo caption
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] => © Ama Terra

            [13] => Array
                    [id] => 1900484
                    [nom] => Facilities
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 8
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1907639
                                    [nom] => Terrasse
                                    [ordre] => 100



            [14] => Array
                    [id] => 1900662
                    [nom] => Type of shop
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 4
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1910081
                                    [nom] => Cookie factory
                                    [ordre] => 35

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1905573
                                    [nom] => Butcher's shop
                                    [ordre] => 40

                            [2] => Array
                                    [id] => 1906909
                                    [nom] => Cheese factory
                                    [ordre] => 100



            [15] => Array
                    [id] => 1900764
                    [nom] => Label products sales
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 1
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1908358
                                    [nom] => AOP (appellation d'origine protégée, équivalent européen de l'AOC)
                                    [ordre] => 10

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1906222
                                    [nom] => Product of Organic Farming
                                    [ordre] => 80



            [16] => Array
                    [id] => 1900842
                    [nom] => Products sold on the spot
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 8
                    [valeur] => Italian specialities: Italian cheeses and cold meats, fresh pasta, wines, aperitifs, sauces, olive oils and vinegars, biscuits, panettone, olives, dried tomatoes, etc...

            [17] => Array
                    [id] => 1900886
                    [nom] => Secteur carte Obernai
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1907237
                                    [nom] => D2
                                    [ordre] => 0



            [18] => Array
                    [id] => 1901129
                    [nom] => Liens réseaux sociaux
                    [type_critere] => 2
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 4
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1908717
                                    [nom] => Facebook
                                    [ordre] => 10
                                    [valeur] => https://www.facebook.com/AmaTerra.Rosheim



            [19] => Array
                    [id] => 1901314
                    [nom] => Commentaire traduit en
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1909729
                                    [nom] => EN
                                    [ordre] => 0

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1909727
                                    [nom] => FR
                                    [ordre] => 0

                            [2] => Array
                                    [id] => 1909728
                                    [nom] => DE
                                    [ordre] => 0



            [20] => Array
                    [id] => 1901413
                    [nom] => Tarif synthétique (avizi)
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 1
                    [classe] => 32
                    [valeur] => -1

            [21] => Array
                    [id] => 1901499
                    [nom] => La photo est disponible en OpenData (Datatourisme)
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1911421
                                    [nom] => Non
                                    [ordre] => 20



            [22] => Array
                    [id] => 1901501
                    [nom] => Parking for vehicles
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 8
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1911448
                                    [nom] => Less than 200 m from a free public car park
                                    [ordre] => 50



            [23] => Array
                    [id] => 1901509
                    [nom] => URL site Liesel
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 6
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] => https://en.liesel.alsace/article/ama-terra-258003314

            [24] => Array
                    [id] => 1901520
                    [nom] => Pour export vers Avizi
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1911699
                                    [nom] => Commerces
                                    [ordre] => 310



            [25] => Array
                    [id] => 1901567
                    [nom] => Etablissement - Ecolabel
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1912054
                                    [nom] => Oui
                                    [ordre] => 0



            [26] => Array
                    [id] => 212000127
                    [nom] => Univers art de vivre
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 212000670
                                    [nom] => Producteurs locaux
                                    [ordre] => 



            [27] => Array
                    [id] => 212000209
                    [nom] => Va - Thématique activité
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 212000837
                                    [nom] => Adresses gourmandes et producteur
                                    [ordre] => 



            [28] => Array
                    [id] => 212000223
                    [nom] => COM-Ecoresponsable
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 212000897
                                    [nom] => oui
                                    [ordre] => 



            [29] => Array
                    [id] => 258000003
                    [nom] => Odile site Internet
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 258000005
                                    [nom] => yes
                                    [ordre] => 



            [30] => Array
                    [id] => 258000013
                    [nom] => CARTO_27701
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 258000051
                                    [nom] => Gastronomie et vins
                                    [ordre] => 70



            [31] => Array
                    [id] => 258000022
                    [nom] => OTI : dégustez
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 258000095
                                    [nom] => Commerces
                                    [ordre] => 30



            [32] => Array
                    [id] => 258000036
                    [nom] => OTI Coin préféré
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [valeur] => Le vignoble de Rosheim pour les points de vue et les paysages

            [33] => Array
                    [id] => 258000039
                    [nom] => OTI plat préféré
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [valeur] => Les fettucchine aux cèpes.

            [34] => Array
                    [id] => 258000046
                    [nom] => OTI Le + de l'établissement
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [valeur] => The quality of the products, the friendly welcome and the Italian sunshine.

            [35] => Array
                    [id] => 258000554
                    [nom] => Covid A emporter
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 258000476
                                    [nom] => Commerce
                                    [ordre] => 



            [36] => Array
                    [id] => 258000557
                    [nom] => Pour import dans Avizi
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 258000477
                                    [nom] => Oui
                                    [ordre] => 10



            [37] => Array
                    [id] => 258000558
                    [nom] => Pour tri par commune
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 258000485
                                    [nom] => Rosheim
                                    [ordre] => 80



            [38] => Array
                    [id] => 403000000
                    [nom] => CARTO_27745
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 403000017
                                    [nom] => Eat and drink / Food shops
                                    [ordre] => 220



            [39] => Array
                    [id] => 403000009
                    [nom] => POI - appli BRAV
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 403000056
                                    [nom] => Alimentation
                                    [ordre] => 




    [disponibilites_synthetiques] => Array

    [disponibilites_detail] => Array

Aller en haut
Aller en dessous