Home | Back 258002378
  • Piscine du camping Campéole La Forêt - (c)J.Heluin
  • Les poulettes du camping Campéole La Forêt - (c)J.Heluin
  • Aire de jeux du camping Campéole La Forêt - (c)J.Heluin

Camping La Forêt : les tentes équipées

Descriptif des emplacements **

Route de Grendelbruch - 67530 Klingenthal

03 88 95 87 80 - foret@vacances-andretrigano.com

h } :

More informations

Location :

  • At the edge of the forest

Accommodation capacity (according to classificat.) :

  • number of people 196
  • number of mobile homes/cottages/bungalows/bivouacs 44

Languages spoken :

  • French
  • German
  • English

Possibility of Internet connection :

  • Wi-fi for a fee

Methods of payment :
  • Credit card
  • Cheque
  • Cash


Calculate itinerary:


Number of people : 196
Number of mobile homes/cottages/bungalows/bivouacs : 44

Réseaux sociaux

    [id] => 258002378
    [nom] => Camping La Forêt : les tentes équipées
    [type] => Array
            [id] => 1900313
            [nom] =>  Descriptif des emplacements

    [entite_gestionnaire] => 258
    [nom_entite_gestionnaire] => Office de tourisme intercommunal du Mont Sainte-Odile
    [coordonnees] => Array
            [libelle_voie] => Route de Grendelbruch
            [complement_adresse] => Lieu dit Wolsfgrube
            [code_postal] => 67530
            [libelle_commune] => Klingenthal
            [telephone1] => 03 88 95 87 80
            [email1] => foret@vacances-andretrigano.com
            [url1] => www.vacances-andretrigano.com
            [pays] => FRANCE

    [insee] => 67368
    [type_georeferencement] => 2
    [libelle_georeferencement] => précis
    [latitude] => 48,4743033931901
    [longitude] => 7,41008510589597
    [responsable] => Array
            [civilite] => Monsieur
            [nom] => Oudart
            [prenom] => Patrick

    [personne_en_charge] => Array
            [civilite] => Monsieur
            [nom] => Oudart
            [prenom] => Patrick
            [coordonnees] => Array
                    [libelle_voie] => Lieu dit Wolsfgrube
                    [code_postal] => 67530
                    [libelle_commune] => Klingenthal
                    [telephone1] => 03 88 95 87 80
                    [email1] => foret@vacances-andretrigano.com
                    [url1] => www.vacances-andretrigano.com
                    [pays] => FRANCE


    [prestataire] => Array
            [raison_sociale] => CAMPING CAMPÉOLE LA FORÊT
            [civilite] => 
            [nom] => Rigaud
            [prenom] => Baptiste
            [fonction] => Directeur
            [coordonnees] => Array
                    [num_voie] => 
                    [libelle_voie] => Route de Grendelbruch
                    [distri_speciale] => 
                    [code_postal] => 67530
                    [libelle_commune] => Klingenthal
                    [telephone1] => 03 88 95 87 80
                    [telephone2] => 
                    [telephone3] => 
                    [fax] => 
                    [email1] => foret@vacances-andretrigano.com
                    [email2] => 
                    [url1] => www.vacances-andretrigano.com/camping/bas-rhin/la-foret-klingenthal
                    [url2] => 
                    [pays] => FRANCE


    [debut_validite] => 13/06/2017
    [fin_validite] => 31/12/2050
    [marquage] => 0
    [datmaj] => 26/06/2024 14:30:03
    [datecreation] => 13/06/2017 10:03:28
    [horaires] => Array

    [produits_associes] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [id] => 258002431
                    [nom] => Camping La Forêt - Vacances André Trigano
                    [id_type] => 1900192
                    [type_couplage] => 25


    [criteres] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [id] => 900000
                    [nom] => Secteur
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1903852
                                    [nom] => Région
                                    [ordre] => 0

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1901942
                                    [nom] => Pays du sapin de Noël
                                    [ordre] => 0



            [1] => Array
                    [id] => 1900048
                    [nom] => Methods of payment
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 16
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1234000001
                                    [nom] => Credit card
                                    [ordre] => 20

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1900113
                                    [nom] => Cheque
                                    [ordre] => 25

                            [2] => Array
                                    [id] => 1907628
                                    [nom] => Cash
                                    [ordre] => 48



            [2] => Array
                    [id] => 1900067
                    [nom] => Languages spoken
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 4
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1908377
                                    [nom] => French
                                    [ordre] => 0

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1900236
                                    [nom] => German
                                    [ordre] => 5

                            [2] => Array
                                    [id] => 1900235
                                    [nom] => English
                                    [ordre] => 10



            [3] => Array
                    [id] => 1900176
                    [nom] => Member of the Tourist Office of
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 1
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1900852
                                    [nom] => Obernai
                                    [ordre] => 205

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1911372
                                    [nom] => OTI Mont Sainte Odile
                                    [ordre] => 210



            [4] => Array
                    [id] => 1900189
                    [nom] => Location
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 2
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1901216
                                    [nom] => At the edge of the forest
                                    [ordre] => 55



            [5] => Array
                    [id] => 1900268
                    [nom] => Animals accepted
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 4
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1903674
                                    [nom] => Yes, under certain conditions
                                    [ordre] => 10



            [6] => Array
                    [id] => 1900358
                    [nom] => A transmettre pour Internet
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1902207
                                    [nom] => Yes
                                    [ordre] => 1



            [7] => Array
                    [id] => 1900383
                    [nom] => Tourist classification
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 4
                    [classe] => 1
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1902431
                                    [nom] => 2 stars
                                    [ordre] => 4



            [8] => Array
                    [id] => 1900421
                    [nom] => Photo URL
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 6
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] => https://apps.tourisme-alsace.info/photos/rosheim/photos/258002378_1.jpg

            [9] => Array
                    [id] => 1900461
                    [nom] => Secteur carte
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1903506
                                    [nom] => Obernai
                                    [ordre] => 0

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1908572
                                    [nom] => Massif des Vosges (site Alsace)
                                    [ordre] => 0

                            [2] => Array
                                    [id] => 1908574
                                    [nom] => Vosges centrales (site Alsace)
                                    [ordre] => 0

                            [3] => Array
                                    [id] => 1909236
                                    [nom] => Oenotourisme - Coeur d'Alsace
                                    [ordre] => 0

                            [4] => Array
                                    [id] => 1911639
                                    [nom] => Alsace (site Alsace)
                                    [ordre] => 0

                            [5] => Array
                                    [id] => 1909895
                                    [nom] => Vélo Colmar et centre Alsaceet nord
                                    [ordre] => 0



            [10] => Array
                    [id] => 1900480
                    [nom] => Photo caption
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] => Piscine du camping Campéole La Forêt - (c)J.Heluin

            [11] => Array
                    [id] => 1900492
                    [nom] => Accommodation capacity (according to classificat.)
                    [type_critere] => 2
                    [type_valeur] => 1
                    [classe] => 4
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1903683
                                    [nom] => number of people
                                    [ordre] => 100
                                    [valeur] => 196

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1911509
                                    [nom] => number of mobile homes/cottages/bungalows/bivouacs
                                    [ordre] => 695
                                    [valeur] => 44



            [12] => Array
                    [id] => 1900504
                    [nom] => Visitors' tax
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 16
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1904389
                                    [nom] => In addition
                                    [ordre] => 10



            [13] => Array
                    [id] => 1900603
                    [nom] => Photo URL2
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 6
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] => https://apps.tourisme-alsace.info/photos/rosheim/photos/258002378_4.jpg

            [14] => Array
                    [id] => 1900661
                    [nom] => Photo légende 2
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] => Les poulettes du camping Campéole La Forêt - (c)J.Heluin

            [15] => Array
                    [id] => 1900751
                    [nom] => Photo URL3
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 6
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] => https://apps.tourisme-alsace.info/photos/rosheim/photos/258002378_5.jpg

            [16] => Array
                    [id] => 1900752
                    [nom] => Photo légende 3
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] => Aire de jeux du camping Campéole La Forêt - (c)J.Heluin

            [17] => Array
                    [id] => 1900765
                    [nom] => Setting up the campsite / locations
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 4
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1906231
                                    [nom] => Location delimited (hedges / borders)
                                    [ordre] => 5

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1906229
                                    [nom] => terraced emplacement
                                    [ordre] => 40



            [18] => Array
                    [id] => 1900770
                    [nom] => Possibility of Internet connection
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 8
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1906277
                                    [nom] => Wi-fi for a fee
                                    [ordre] => 1080



            [19] => Array
                    [id] => 1900886
                    [nom] => Secteur carte Obernai
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1907233
                                    [nom] => C3
                                    [ordre] => 0



            [20] => Array
                    [id] => 1900938
                    [nom] => Type of campsite
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 1
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1907443
                                    [nom] => Campsite for tourism
                                    [ordre] => 10



            [21] => Array
                    [id] => 1900940
                    [nom] => Numbers and capacity of equipment for rent
                    [type_critere] => 2
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 4
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1907460
                                    [nom] => No. of tents for rent
                                    [ordre] => 40
                                    [valeur] => 44

                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 1907461
                                    [nom] => Tent capacity  (min. and max.)
                                    [ordre] => 45
                                    [valeur] => 6



            [22] => Array
                    [id] => 1901129
                    [nom] => Liens réseaux sociaux
                    [type_critere] => 2
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 4
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1908717
                                    [nom] => Facebook
                                    [ordre] => 10
                                    [valeur] => https://www.facebook.com/campingforet



            [23] => Array
                    [id] => 1901359
                    [nom] => Etablissement classé ou labellisé
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 1
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1910074
                                    [nom] => Oui
                                    [ordre] => 0



            [24] => Array
                    [id] => 1901413
                    [nom] => Tarif synthétique (avizi)
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 1
                    [classe] => 32
                    [valeur] => -1

            [25] => Array
                    [id] => 1901509
                    [nom] => URL site Liesel
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 6
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] => https://en.liesel.alsace/article/camping-la-foret-les-tentes-equipees-258002378

            [26] => Array
                    [id] => 1901520
                    [nom] => Pour export vers Avizi
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 1911704
                                    [nom] => Hôtellerie de plein air
                                    [ordre] => 360



            [27] => Array
                    [id] => 212000160
                    [nom] => COM_recodeur_affinage
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 212000622
                                    [nom] => Capacité-accueil-vill2vac-auberge-jeunesse-mini-100pers
                                    [ordre] => 



            [28] => Array
                    [id] => 220000014
                    [nom] => CARTO_2201
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 220000060
                                    [nom] => Hébergements / Campings
                                    [ordre] => 50



            [29] => Array
                    [id] => 220000026
                    [nom] => Obernai Gestion site
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 220000350
                                    [nom] => Camping
                                    [ordre] => 130



            [30] => Array
                    [id] => 220000047
                    [nom] => Obernai site web
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 220000436
                                    [nom] => Oui
                                    [ordre] => 10



            [31] => Array
                    [id] => 258000003
                    [nom] => Odile site Internet
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 258000005
                                    [nom] => yes
                                    [ordre] => 



            [32] => Array
                    [id] => 258000023
                    [nom] => OTI : préparez
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 258000099
                                    [nom] => Campings
                                    [ordre] => 30



            [33] => Array
                    [id] => 700000000
                    [nom] => Type clic
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 700000011
                                    [nom] => Campings
                                    [ordre] => 



            [34] => Array
                    [id] => 700000003
                    [nom] => Classement en étoiles Clic
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 32
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 700000028
                                    [nom] => 2 étoiles
                                    [ordre] => 15




    [disponibilites_synthetiques] => Array

    [disponibilites_detail] => Array

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